Whether you use ice or heat for tendonitis depends mostly on your symptoms, as well as how long has passed since the injury or onset of foot pain.
Ice is particularly helpful for reducing swelling and pain, as it numbs the nerves and constricts blood vessels. In the early stages of an injury—usually the first few days or so—when discomfort is most acute, ice is preferable to heat for these reasons.
By contrast, heat increases blood flow, which promotes faster healing. It also relaxes muscles, which can quiet chronic aches and pains. That’s why, once the initial swelling and pain subside somewhat, heat is the better choice.
If acute or chronic tendonitis pain is limiting your activities, and at-home care doesn’t seem to help, give Family Foot and Ankle Center a call at (513) 728-4800 or (859) 282-1572. Let our expert doctors evaluate your condition and help get you back to full speed. Visit us in Cincinnati, Finneytown, Hamilton, Fairfield, or Florence.