With summer in full swing now, kids in our greater Cincinnati community have more time to be active and run around. We hope children spend this time actually being active, though, and not just staring at a TV, computer, smartphone, or tablet screen. Sure, it can be relaxing to watch a show, movie, or YouTube video—and studies indicate video games may boost brain power—but physical activity is too important for their health!
Of course, it doesn’t take much virtual distraction to keep a child from sports and other activities when he or she suffers from flat foot pain. If this is something affecting your son or daughter, our team can help by putting together a professional treatment plan. We also have some tips that you might want to try on your own first, including:
- Have your son or daughter stretch. In addition to relieving pain, stretching exercises can also help combat tiredness in the foot, ankle, or leg that develops from the pediatric flat foot condition. One stretch that is particularly beneficial is the heel cord stretch. To perform this correctly, your son or daughter starts by standing in front of a wall and leaning forward. Have him or her step back with one of the legs, keeping it straight and pressing the heel into the floor. At this point, he or she needs to bend the front knee until a gentle stretch is felt.
- Use ice to soothe the pain. Ice can be used to relieve pain and inflammation in the foot. Freeze a paper cup full of water and then have your son or daughter roll it back and forth with the bottom of his or her foot.
- Give your child the right over-the-counter medication. It’s always best to consult with our staff for dosage recommendations, but nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication can help take away flat foot pain. Give us a call to find out what is right for your child.
- Pick up some shoe inserts. Proper arch support can help relieve pain from a flat foot condition. Pairs bought over-the-counter may work, but custom orthotics crafted by our office especially for your child’s unique feet can be even better.